, 2024

Javascript, PostgreSQL

Click to load imageA screenshot from the website, which shows a graph of how Marie Bjerre creates her policies. The graphs show that she cares more about men and people called Ibi-Pippi.

To reduce website CO2e emissions, project images need to be manually loaded.

A screenshot from the website, which shows a graph of how Marie Bjerre creates her policies. The graphs show that she cares more about men and people called Ibi-Pippi.

Click to load imageA screenshot from the website, which shows two quotes from fake people. One is from her doctor, which states that she suffers from TERF brain and the other is from an employee at the Ministry of Equality, who says that she seems to think she's the Minister of Inequality.

To reduce website CO2e emissions, project images need to be manually loaded.

A screenshot from the website, which shows two quotes from fake people. One is from her doctor, which states that she suffers from TERF brain and the other is from an employee at the Ministry of Equality, who says that she seems to think she's the Minister of Inequality.

Click to load imageA screenshot from the website, which shows the voting interface. There are 2,980 votes counted.

To reduce website CO2e emissions, project images need to be manually loaded.

A screenshot from the website, which shows the voting interface. There are 2,980 votes counted.

Click to load imageA screenshot of Google search, which shows that was at one point listed in the infobox, when searching for Marie Bjerre's name. It is also number 3 in the search listing.

To reduce website CO2e emissions, project images need to be manually loaded.

A screenshot of Google search, which shows that was at one point listed in the infobox, when searching for Marie Bjerre's name. It is also number 3 in the search listing.

About is a satirical net art project criticizing Marie Bjerre, the former Danish Minister of Equality, as a response to her incoherent, transphobic article in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten. presents itself as a site for Marie Bjerre's campaign to get named as the worst Minister of Equality in Danish history. It starts with a brief introduction to her time as Minister of Equality. The entire website is written as if Marie Bjerre herself is the person behind it. At the bottom of the page, it is made clear that the website is satire.

After the historical section, the site talks about how Marie Bjerre wants to rename her ministry. She presents some ideas, which include Ministry of Inequality and Ministry against Gender Minorities. The campaign site also includes graphs with made-up data, which aids the argument that she should be named the worst Minister of Equality in Danish history. Additionally, I made up some fake quotes by imaginary people, which talk about various ways in which Marie Bjerre is fit to be declared the worst Danish Minister of Equality in history.

At the end of the page, you can leave your vote for her to be the worst Danish Minister of Equality ever. On the 29th of August, a week after launching the site, Marie Bjerre's role in government was changed from Minister of Equality and Digitalisation to Minister of European Affairs. With this change, the vote on the website was shut down, ending at a total of 2,980 votes.

Marie Bjerre's article in Jyllands-Posten was largely perceived to be an attack on the trans* and LGBT+ community in Denmark. We all saw it for what it was: an escalation of anti-trans rhetoric that could lead to our rights being taken away. As such, I started working on the website immediately after reading her article. On the 22nd of August, it was released to the public through a post on my Instagram.

Within a couple of hours, the website was posted on the Danish subreddit r/Denmark. This is likely how Danish media picked up on the website as well. Danish tabloid newspaper B.T. was the first to report on the website, which quickly triggered a response from the minister herself on LinkedIn and Facebook. Unfortunately, she did not respond by acknowledging my and others' legitimate critiques of her article and the dangerous rhetoric therein. Instead, she responded by claiming that the website was "hateful" and aimed at "shutting her mouth", and stated that she does not think my work is satire, despite the art project using a historical artistic activist method of satire known as identity correction. At no point has Marie Bjerre acknowledged the massive amount of legitimate critique levelled at her by various human rights organizations, LGBT+ people and allies. To her, it is nothing more than a smear campaign.

The website is made using Nuxt.js, and uses PostgreSQL to run the vote counter.

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